Friday, May 30, 2008

Another Adventure, A New Perspective

I'm in South Africa, and I'm sick. What terrible luck is that? I've been feeling a little cold-ish the past few days but was being careful to take care of myself as much as possible to prevent this. Didn't work... last night I couldn't stop coughing and this morning was even worse. Here I am at the most amazing place in the world (okay, I might be a bit biased), and something is trying to get in my way of enjoying it.

This morning we had a guest lecturer, a man named Steven. I wish that I had a picture of him, because he might be one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. Steven was born into a life of politics, apartheid, racism and oppression. His father was exiled from South Africa before Steven was even born due to his connections with the ANC (African National Congress- the political party trying to fight apartheid in South Africa) and some political demonstrations. As a result, Steven's entire childhood consisted of hiding, running, changing identities, and trying to fight injustice. He even told us that when he was growing up his house was bombed twice. Steven's life has been a whirlwind of amazing feats, both educational and political. I wish I even knew the right way to describe him and his views, and all that comes to mind is enlightening. He has such a clear view of where his country's been- the causes, struggles, and triumphs- as well as where they are now and where they need to go. For the sake of South Africa, I hope that Steven runs for a political office when, as he likes to say, he "grows up".

I found Steven's points/opinions on AIDS especially interesting. I feel like people from the US (myself included) just don't understand how HIV is spreading. We say to ourselves, "come on, how hard is it to use a condom?" or "why don't you just get tested?". We're so quick to judge, because we see our society as having AIDS somewhat under 'control'. Of course we don't sit and actually think that maybe South African culture isn't like our own. Maybe they do things differently. Well, they certainly do... and who are we to judge? Steven explained that condoms just weren't commonly used back when the AIDS pandemic broke out. People rejected the idea, they didn't think that you could connect with another person if there was a piece of plastic separating you. That's an easy idea for us to scoff at- but how many things in our lives do we do (or not do) to make a good experience even better? *I'll give you a hint- you probably don't NEED 350 cable channels or that extra brownie.* In addition, South Africa's president at the time, Thabo Mbeki, refused to deal with the AIDS crisis. He, with the help of his director of health, spread faulty information to their people. He said that HIV didn't cause AIDS, that it couldn't be spread sexually, and even that it was a hoax instead of a real disease. Since the government was doing nothing to help, old tribal remedies started to be used. It was often thought that having sex with a virgin could cure a person of AIDS. And I'm sure you can imagine how that turned out.

Through all of this, Steven maintains the idea that what's missing is education. He stresses it strongly- we need to educate younger generations, before their parents and others of older generations can "poison" them with misinformation. Link AIDS to its other awful effects, he says- remind people that it can lead to TB, pneumonia, and other diseases. Make AIDS a health issue, not a sexual (and therefore often taboo) issue. That's how things are going to change, he says. Steven really is an amazing person and I feel so lucky to have met him.

After Steven's lecture it was time to head to Robben Island. Honestly, I was not feeling great and Aaron could tell. I knew that he was hoping I'd skip the tour and head home to rest (a thought which I do appreciate), but I just couldn't do it. This trip literally means everything to me, and I just couldn't let myself miss an experience that I might never have again. So we made an unspoken compromise- I went to Robben Island with the group but now I'm in bed blogging instead of at the bar for Nate's birthday. I think it was the right decision.

Robben Island was interesting. We saw where Nelson Mandela was held, and where all of the prisoners lived.

It was another place that was just overflowing with history, and the air was just think with it. Even though my cough syrup-filled haze I could almost feel the presence of some of the continents more influential leaders. I honestly don't have a ton to say about the trip- it was cold, and I didn't feel well. But I certainly don't regret my choice to go. The island itself was really cool- there were more penguins there too :) They're funny little guys.

On another note, there's something that I just sort of need to ponder about. Aaron has always told us about how after coming back from South Africa and seeing all of the hungry people, he just can't throw away food; there is always someone who needs it. All of us have been trying to be conscious of that fact, and tonight when we got back from dinner Jesse noticed our leftover pizza from the night before in the fridge. He knew that we were never going to eat it, and on the way home we'd seen a homeless family setting up their "house" for the night outside of one of the shops. Jesse mentioned to me that he felt like we should bring it to them, and I agreed. So we bagged up the extra food and headed down the street. We got to the family, and Jesse offered them the bag of food. I don't know what we expected her reaction to be, but it wasn't quite how we had imagined. It seemed as though she was greatful- she reached out and shook both of our hands, and introduced us to her family. Then, however, she started speaking very quickly and through a thick accent (we couldn't really understand much) about us coming back tomorrow and bringing other stuff that she needed. We didn't really know what to do- so Jesse just kind of said "well we hope this food is helpful", and we walked off.

Well, as we were walking away another man ran up to us. Again, he introduced himself, (it must be a cultural thing- I feel like people are constantly telling me their names) and then quickly asked what we were doing with that woman, he sleeps on the other side of the building from her. I quickly told him that we had dropped off some food for everyone, and that I hoped it was helpful. The man was not at all pleased. He started yelling at us, "No! Why did you only bring one? She will not share!" This is just not what I had expected to happen. I was starting to get a little frightened, but luckily we were able to walk quickly and the man didn't follow us to the next street.

Again, I don't know what I expected to happen. I don't know if what we did was a good idea or not. It seemed like it at the time. When people see a need, they generally respond to it. That's my belief, possibly because deep down I really am an optimist. And when Jesse suggested bringing the food to that family, I thought it was the right thing to do. Maybe I thought that the woman would be thankful, and that would be it. Maybe I thought that we would walk away feeling good about ourselves (its selfish, but its true). Why was I so upset when the woman started telling me about her other needs? Wasn't us bringing her food our food enough? And what about the man that followed us, does he think that we just run around with enough food for everyone? The answer, of course, isn't simple. We live in a world where some people have, and some people do not. But what makes one group more "deserving" than the other? Of course that woman asked for more. How on earth can I expect her to be happy and completely satisfied with 2 half-eaten pizzas? She's living on the street, her children sleeping under a tarp. Of course that man was upset that I didn't have a pizza for him. What made that woman more deserving of avoiding starvation than him? He is in just as great of a need.

This is just the first of many situations like this that I'm going to be placed into. We always think that we're read, that we understand... but really, we have no idea. I'm almost certain that I am going to leave the township next week a new person. Let's just hope I'm a person who still believes that everything happens for a reason... or else how am I ever going to make sense out of all of this?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Value of a One-to-One

While I've loved learning so much about South Africa- its culture, history, etc.- last night I learned a few more things about myself.

Last night most of the group was hanging out at our house, enjoying each other’s company and getting to know each other even better. In our leadership minor, we have a concept that we refer to as a “one to one”. In a brief summary, a one to one is when two people sit down together, and truly get to know each other on a deeper level. It’s about finding out their “story”- not just their likes, hobbies, where they’ve been. It’s about finding out who they really are. Last night I had a really great one to one with Jesse. Jesse and I were in our fall leadership class together last semester, but we’d never really gotten to know each other until this trip. Somehow, between the group’s jokes, a few drinks and some music, I found myself in a deep conversation with Jesse. I don’t even remember what prompted it, but we ended up talking for probably over an hour. It’s amazing how much you can learn about someone if you just shut up and listen. What we talked about isn’t important, but I feel like I was really able to connect with someone on a level that isn’t common in most college social situations.

Talking with Jesse taught me how to be a better listener, a better friend, a better communicator. I realized just how much everyone has to offer, and how it’s possible to really connect with someone who you may not have realized you would. In essence, talking with Jesse taught me how to be a better leader.

I can’t wait to see what my other 15 classmates have to teach me.

It Just Keeps Getting Better.

Today was probably one of the coolest days of my life. I have now stood at the most south(western) point in Africa. When you look at a map of the continent, I was standing right at the very bottom. Not many people I know have done that.

Today we didn't have class, instead we went on a bus tour of the area. We went around downtown Cape Town, and and then headed to the coastline. I have never seen such a beautiful place, or even thought that one existed. We were winding along the sides of mountains, looking out at perfect blue water. If our internet stops fighting with me I'll add as many pictures as I can. We hopped on a boat to go out to seal island, when the random rainstorms Cape Town's famous for hit us. We were a great sight, I'm sure- the rain was just pouring down as all 17 of us slipped around the boat screaming and trying to find cover. It doesn't just rain here- it POURS, and we actually experienced true horizontal rain later. After our not-so-great seal adventure, most of us were tired and were secretly wishing we could just go back to the houses. I can't stress enough how glad I am that we didn't.

The next stop on our tour was to see the penguin habitat. Penguins- in Africa? They were the cutest, funniest animals I've ever seen, and don't be surprised if I smuggle one home in my backpack :) Then we did another thing that I'll always remember- we got to play in the Indian Ocean. Again, something that I never thought I would get to do.

These things were amazing, but the best was yet to come. To drove to Cape Point, which is in a gigantic wildlife reserve. We saw huge, wild parliaments of baboons (our tour guide informed us that's the proper name for a group of them), as well as some huge ostriches. All the animal species in the reserve live there in a natural habitat, not because humans put them there. I've never been in a wildlife area like that before. We got to the main area of Cape Point, and were told that if we took the hiking trail to the bottom that we would find ourselves in the most Southwestern point in Africa.

It was hands-down the coolest, most amazing thing I have ever done. We trekked(literally- you could barely call this thing a path... I would say a cross between rock-climbing and creating your own trail) along the mountain. The first scenic thing we saw was a beach deep down in the cavern- an untouched, empty, footprint-less beach. We hiked down thelongest, steepest stairs ever to the bottom, and nothing has ever been that cool. It felt like we were discovering a secret place, a place completely untouched by the normal world. I felt free- like nothing could touch me. In that moment in time, life was just perfect.

We continued on the path, when again the weather went from beautiful to worse rain than before. We climbed up to the highest peak, and there we were. Staring out at the water, nothing standing between us and Antarctica but water. It was so pristine and peaceful. I had this feeling of weightlessness, almost as though I wasn’t even standing there. I didn’t care that I was soaked completely through all of my clothes or that the wind was freezing. It was a moment that I’m never going to forget.

Me, T.J., Jesse and Hilary weren’t quite ready to head down to the buses yet, so we found another peak with an amazing view. We didn’t really do much except just sit and talk, looking out at the water, but for some reason it’s something that meant a lot to me. We were experiencing this together, and I can’t think of a better way to create real friendships that are founded on something a little bit more than just having fun together.

Today was for sure one of the best days that I’ve ever had, and it makes me so excited for things to come. Tomorrow we have class in the morning, and then a tour of Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was held during part of his 27 years in prison. It’s also Nate’s birthday, so we’re going to try going out in downtown Cape Town to celebrate.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We're HERE!

I can't believe that we're finally here. This has been in the works for so long that it just doesn't seem like it's really happening.

Getting here took forever: 2 hour flight to New York, 7 hour layover, 7 hours to Dakau, and 8 to Johannesburg, and 2 1/2 to Cape Town. Exhausting. However, we were all pretty excited when we saw Rev. Run (from Run DMC and Run's House) on our flight to New York. :) Luckily we all made it here without losing any luggage or anyone missing any planes, and Kate got here safely from Vietnam. Aaron and our Interstudy team (Anjeth, Seiphemo, Ouma and Dianne) picked us up from the airport and got us to our houses.

The houses are amazing- they completely exceeded my expectations. I have to honestly say that I think I got lucky in this house, it's just gorgeous...
Our kitchen:
Our living room (my roomie Sarah on the left):

It was dark when we got to the houses, so we didn't get to go exploring until today. I walked outside of our garden, looked to the left, and there was Table Mountain right outside of our door.

This place really is amazing. Today Anjeth and Dianne took us for a tour of University of Cape Town (UTC). The campus is beautiful: set to the backdrop of Table Mountain, it's full of hills, flowers, and great architecture. It was so fun to see South African students, although it's their week off to study for finals so campus wasn't real busy. The area surrounding campus was really fun to walk around- Cape Town is full of different smells, people, sounds... the city just kind of takes you over.

This afternoon we went to V & A Waterfront, where we got to drive down to the coast. Cape Town is HUGE- I had no idea it was this big! I feel a little ignorant; the city is so metropolitan and developed, it completely shattered my previous ideas and perceptions of it. I almost don't feel like I'm in Africa, just because of how different it really is from what I thought it would be. Interstudy treated us to a great meal at Primi Wharf right near the water, and we all got to know each other a little better. A few people in our group had another celeb sighting today- Lisa and Bianca from America's Next Top Model. Nate and Cole are pretty excited, because they got invited to their 21st birthday parties. Cape Town is pretty happening place.

Today was exciting, beautiful, and so much fun- but I'm more excited for the days to come. I think it's interesting that we're seeing the "touristy" Cape Town first, because I think we're all going to be shocked when we enter the townships and see what's behind the curtain. Right now this feels like a vacation, and I'm really interested to see the things that so many people don't bother to take the time to do.

This was taken on the UCT Campus. The building in front is just a building of classes (beautiful!) and behind it is Table Mountain.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Only 5 More Days!

It's hard to believe that in just 5 days I'll be on a plane to South Africa! It doesn't really seem real; lately I've been realizing just how lucky I am and what a one-of-a-kind experience this is going to be. I'm a little nervous, but I think it's just the stress of packing, traveling and not knowing exactly what to expect. Once we get to the airport I'm sure I'll just be excited :)

I know some people are wondering what we're going to be doing in Cape Town/Guguletu, so here's a little bit of an overview:
  • The course has been created for leadership minor students to see how leadership functions in a cultural context. We are going to South Africa to see how leadership (specifically public leadership and social change) plays a role in the AIDS pandemic. We will be working/interacting with community leaders and citizens who are affected by this disease to learn just how important leadership is across cultures.
  • We are living in houses near the University of Cape Town campus for most of our stay, but we will also be doing a 2 night homestay with families in the township of Guguletu. U of Cape Town will also be our classroom home base.
  • We're doing a variety of "touristy" things on our trip, including Table Mountain, Robben Island, the District Six Museum, and Cape Point.
  • We'll be spending time in the township working with the community center, including an after-school program and an HIV support group. We'll be visiting child-run households in addition to an AIDS hospice. We will also work with current organizations like Monkey Biz and the Treatment Action Campaign.
  • We'll be doing lots of fun things as well! A day-long safari, great white shark cage diving and sandboarding (like snowboarding on sand dunes) are all on the agenda.
Hope that helps to answer a lot of questions I've been getting about my time in South Africa. Feel free to book mark this blog, leave comments, ask questions, make requests and share with anyone who might be interested!

Look for updates from Cape Town starting early next week!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Suitcase Donations

Looking for a way to be a part of my trip to South Africa? Donate to my suitcase!

While we'll be spending a lot of time in the city of Cape Town, we're also going to be involved in a nearby township called Guguletu. Guguletu is a township that was put together during apartheid, and is victim of extreme poverty. With that said, each of us have been asked to bring one extra suitcase in addition to our own luggage that is filled with donations for the township. I am asking for your help so that I can bring a full suitcase to Guguletu with me. The township is desperate for any sort of medical supplies, especially supplies for children. This could include first aid materials (Band-aids, gloves, Neosporin etc.), medicine (Tylenol, cough medicine, Tums, etc.), feminine hygiene products or any other common household supply that we take for granted. They are also in need of socks (preferably black) and underwear for children of all ages. Any donations (even one item!) you could make would be greatly appreciated- and they’re tax deductible! :)

If you’re interested in donating, please e-mail me and I’ll arrange to pick them up from you. I leave for Cape Town on May 25th, and would like any donations by Thursday, May 22nd. Thank you so much for your help, and feel free to contact me with any questions!